Wednesday, July 14, 2010


As a typical Nigerian child i grew up reading Enid Blyton's books and it was rather fascinating. She had different series like Famous Five, Secret Seven, The Mallory Towers Series, St Claires, The Three Golliwogs and so many others.Those books were my favorite read in Elementary school but when i got to QC, i found there was a different demand and that was most especially for the Sweet Valley Series. There was Sweet Valley Kids, Sweet Valley High and Sweet Valley University. Anyone who had any of those books had a treasure.Girls would swap garri or cereal to read Sweet Valley. It had become an addiction for some, i remember how some girls would put the book in between textbooks so that it would appear like the textbook was being read and that happened during English literature. Other books a QC girl may give up lunch or their early morning bread and egg for was Mills and Boon romance Collection of novels. Danielle Steel as well as Harlequin Romance a subsidiary of Mills and Boon. Great Memories.


Physics was one tough class especially SS2. Back then we had our syllabi divided into Mechanics, Heat, Light, Sound, Electricity and Nuclear Physics,the sylabbi was similar to college level Physics. This time we were on the Electricity part  of the textbook and all i could hear back then  was amps, coulombs,volts, watts, parallel and series.Oh my goodness. We were given a take home project and the content of the project was to build a house and electrivally wire the house showing series and parallel connection. Those were Form Order Points and this project was no joke. I didnt even know where to start from. Most girls had begun theirs, some people had already made their houses out of wood, something a carpenter would put together and an electrician would wire, All those houses looked similar even though they were different sizes. Two weekends before it was due for submission, i built my house with LEGO. As a child, i was fascinated with those colored building pieces and i loved my house because it was painted (since the bricks were colored). It was a red and white house with a red roof, the windows were yello and it had a green lawn.
I had the local electrician wire it for me after giving him directions on what i wanted him to do. It as fun watching him connect the house and he showed me the switches for the parallel connection and one for the series connection.
I took my house to school on the day it was due and a lot of my class girls and other corridor girls were in awe. No one else had a house like mine and a lot of people asked me questions while i was in line to defend my project. I cannot forget the look on Mrs Njoku's face when she saw the elegant architecture. She was in serious awe, she asked me to turn on the switches to demonstrate the parallel and series connection which i did. The light bulbs came on and brilliantly lit up the house, I gave my little demonstration and that was how i got my points. She said it was the most beautiful and creative house she had ever seen since the inception of the project.