Sunday, June 13, 2010


The school had a variety of assemblies, on a certain day each week, we had different kinds of assemblies. Monday and Thursday was assembly with PQC, those assemblies were pretty long, various announcements were made, the school press gave their news for the day and that was during Thursday assembly and after the school song and the pledge, students happily jogged back to their classrooms.
Tuesday was House Assembly. The six houses had their assemblies in different locations. My house held its assmbly behind the Gym. The assembly was usually led by the House Captain who made announcements, gave advice, said the school prayer, pledge and released the students for first lecture.
Wednesday was Tutorial and we had our assembly with our class advisers. It was one assembly most students never looked forward to  in SS1 especially the fear of being punished. It was like we always did something wrong, our classrooms were either untidy or we made too much noise,it was always one thing or another and we always spent most of the time kneeling down when we were in SS1.
Friday assembly was the Christian or Muslim assembly. The Christians held their assembly on the regular assembly ground led by the Christian Religious Knowledge teachers while the Muslims held their own assembly in the Gym.
Everyday of the week, we had one assembly or another to look forward to.

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