Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Preparing for school - sexy uniforms, housewear anyone?

A new school year meant a new trip to the school uniform tailors. At least for most of us it did. If you had grown in height/weight over the summer holidays, or you just wanted to introduce some new funkiness into your dreary housewear wardrobe.

I mean the standard housewear, whilst comfortable was so unflattering, and as most people became seniors/attained puberty (whichever one came first), so arose the need to don some figure-hugging housewears, much to the chagrin of our teachers, especially the male ones ;-)

So one went to the recommended tailors, or at least try to get one's skirts as close to the A-line style of the school, otherwise, you could be sent back for a skirt that was too flattering, that seemed more like a pencil skirt, or that was too A-line. Some pupils dared and wore relatively short skirts, I think more to flaunt their disregard for rules, than any attempt at being sexy...I mean, when were scrawny legs ever sexy-----although I might add, in the eyes of a 14 year old girl, they very might as well have been considered sexy!

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